Israel today stands in the bull's eye of rage. This is true in the
case of being targeted by the Jewish state's perennial antagonists, the
Arab and Persian Islamist enemies. It is true in the case of the entire
international community, whose constituent nations see Israel as the
congestive blockage to regional and world peace. But it is the growing
antagonism by United States presidential administration operatives that
is most disconcerting while this beleaguered planet wobbles toward a
time of unprecedented trouble.
As a matter of fact, that coming time of unparalleled strife that
will bring all nations to Armageddon is termed "the time of Jacob's
trouble" by Isaiah the prophet: "Alas! for that day is great, so that
none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble" (Jeremiah
And, it is Jacob's trouble--the prophesied end-of-days dastardly
treatment of Israel by the nations of earth--that will cause the God of
heaven to bring them to Armageddon. This is what the prophet Joel
foretells: "I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down
into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my
people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the
nations, and parted my land" (Joel 3:2).
Armageddon beckons
This will be the gathering of the nations of earth predicted in the
book of Revelation:
"For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth
unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to
the battle of that great day of God Almighty...And he gathered them
together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon"
(Revelation 16:14, 16).
This will be the culmination of mankind's dealing treacherously with
God's chosen people, the Jews. The promise made to Abraham by the Lord
includes severe repercussions for anyone who would curse the progeny of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: "And I will bless them that bless thee, and
curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth
be blessed" (Genesis 12:3).
validates prophecy
God's declaration is most dramatically validated by looking at
twentieth-century history. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime made hatred
of and genocide against the Jew their focus of the unalloyed evil they
spewed. The ashes of the Fuhrer and of his Nazi colleagues are scattered
in ignominious disgrace across the landscape that Josef Goebbels and the
Nazi propagandists arrogantly boasted would be über alles the
all-powerful homeland for their thousand-year Reich.
Any consideration in research of Germany's history involving the last
two years of World War II and the years immediately following that most
terrible of earth's conflicts to that point must acknowledge that it was
as if the very wrath of God was upon the nation. Such documentation
includes black-and-white film footage of German men and women forced by
Allied Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower to walk by the skeletal
remains of thousands of Jewish corpses--thus, Eisenhower stated, so that
the German people and the world would never forget the Holocaust. It's
aftermath would forever be recorded.
Yet today, even mainstream news journalists are observably
fuzzy-minded in consideration of the genocide that took perhaps six
million Jewish lives as well as the lives of other peoples. They show
their loss of memory by not jumping full-force down the throats of
diabolists like Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who regurgitates
the lie that the Holocaust is a fable conjured by the Jews of the world.
Rarely is there a repudiation of such blatant lies coming from the
would-be destroyers of the Jewish state and the Jewish people.
Tragically, the refusal to educate generations subsequent to the time
of World War II on the truth about the insane treatment of the house of
Israel is leading to a future time of even greater atrocities, thus
judgment, according to God's prophetic Word. The God of heaven will
react violently--according to Bible prophecy--more violently, even, than
He reacted to the death-dealing of the Nazi demoniacs:
"The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which
stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth,
and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem
a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be
in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all
people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces,
though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it... it
shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the
nations that come against Jerusalem" (Zechariah 12:1-3, 29).
Will America betray Israel?
We come to the question posed by this article's title: "Israel
Betrayed by U.S.?" The article's title is in the form of a question
because like so much of this American administration's dealings, the
"transparency" presidential candidate Barack Obama and then President
Obama promised is not forthcoming. Obama's intended dealing with Israel
is wrapped in an impenetrable fog of political doublespeak. Here is a
news brief to begin pointing out the administration's not-so-transparent
thinking regarding U.S./Israeli relationship for the future:
"US President Barack Obama's special Middle East envoy, George
Mitchell, threatened late last week to withhold financial aid to Israel
if the Jewish state does not accept demanded concessions to get the
stalled peace process back on track" ("Obama Admin Threatens to Withhold
Aid to Israel," Headline News, 1/10/10).
Next, we will look into whether America, the nation almost certainly
brought into existence to stand with His chosen people during Israel's
rebirth into modernity, is leading the way into setting up the worldwide
anti-Israel marginalization prophesied by Zechariah.
Refusal of the current American presidential administration to
acknowledge that God has any say one way or the other in the affairs of
man, much less any business meddling in the conduct of the American
state department's dealing with Israel and its antagonists, is a
foregone conclusion. After all, Mr. Obama has himself stated that
America is not a Christian nation.
I must say that I agree with this president on that one point. The
United States was never a "Christian" nation, in the sense that America
turned en masse to total commitment to following Jesus Christ. That has
never happened. However, this country, since its earliest stages of
planning by the founding fathers, has had woven into its national
documents of inception Judeo-Christian principles of God's prescription
for conducting life and government.
Based upon that easily provable truth--because all one has to do is
to cursorily scan the founding documents to understand biblical
influence--it's easy to know that America is a nation under providential
watchfulness, to say the very least. God, in starkly plain language,
spoke through prophetic omniscience to what will happen when anyone, be
it individual or corporate, deals treacherously with His chosen people.
Therefore, for anyone--including the president of the United States or
any other member of the government of this nation--to ignore what is
said about interacting with Israel in the Bible, from which the founding
fathers so obviously gleaned wisdom to form this nation, is
Human government oblivious to God's Will
I realize stating that governmental leaders don't recognize God in
their governing isn't a profound revelation, because all of humanistic
government ignores the Creator of all things. I just wanted to get the
fact stated as to the real crux of the problem regarding lack of lasting
peace in the Middle East and the world. The administration and the state
department, it is obvious, gives God's Word on the matter of Israel no
weight whatever in considering policy toward the Jewish state. They
forge ahead, setting timelines for producing a two-state solution to the
"Palestinian problem" as they see it.
Mideast envoy George Mitchell recently stated that he saw the problem
of Israel's making peace with Palestinian leadership as something that
must be done within two years. The former senate majority leader, chosen
by President Obama to deal with the differences between the Palestinian
Authority and Israeli leadership, made it clear how he--thus, how the
Obama administration--views the hold-up to peace in the region.
Mitchell said, in an interview with acclaimed broadcaster and
interviewer Charlie Rose just prior to Mitchell's departure for Israel,
when asked what leverage the U.S. has to get Israel to comply with Arab
and international demands, "Under American law, the United States can
withhold support on loan guarantees to Israel."
Israeli Leadership fed up
Although a senior state department faux pas fireman, speaking with
anonymity, said that Mitchell's remarks were not meant as threats to
Israel if compliance with American and international concession demands
were not met, Israeli leadership wasn't buying. Israeli Finance Minister
Yuval Steinitz bluntly let it be known that Obama, Mitchell, and the
U.S. State Department could keep their money. He said that Israel
wouldn't be needing loan guarantees because Israel wouldn't be
borrowing. The Jewish state, he said, had already raised enough money
for foreseeable needs.
All of the back-pedaling the Obama Administration can do cannot
obfuscate the truth. It is trying to hide its disdain for Israel's
perceived obstinacy in preventing this president from having a clear
pathway to establishing the desired two-state configuration.
U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton recently praised Israel's
decision to unilaterally make a gesture of good will toward the
Palestinians by implementing a partial freeze on establishing new
settlements. However, Israel is always met with intransigence when
dealing with the Palestinian Authority, as with most all among the
Islamic community. The Israeli leadership is growing weary of the
one-sided abusiveness, and of the pressures from the American and
international leaders who insist Israel is the problem in disrupting the
"Roadmap to Peace."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in expressing his feelings
on the matter, said, "It is the Palestinian Authority that needs to
change its ways--certainly not the Israeli government."
Support for Israel grows
Israel's decision to go ahead with settlements then brought
immediate, not-so-veiled threats by envoy Mitchell. There is no doubt
that the former senator's tone and remarks reflect the mindset of the
president and those around him. They see the Jewish state as the holdup
to Obama getting glory from making the perpetually elusive peace the
international community seeks.
To answer the question within the article's title--"Israel betrayed
by the U.S.?" --it seems for now that substantial influence within the
U.S. Congress is saying, "No."
Visiting senior US senators told their Israelis hosts on Sunday that
they disapprove of the Obama Administration's attempt to pressure Israel
by threatening to withhold aid, and vowed they would never let that
Senator John McCain told a Jerusalem press conference that he expects
President Barack Obama to explicitly announce that his administration is
not planning to alter America's policy regarding financial aid to
Senator Joe Lieberman promised that even if Obama did try to use US
financial aid as leverage, Congress would never approve such a measure.
McCain and Lieberman were also joined by senators John Thune and John
Barrasso. ("Senators Won't Let Obama Freeze Aid to Israel," Headline
News, Israel Today staff, 1/11/2010)
Israel forever!
If America joins the rest of earth's nations in the gathering against
Israel, as prophesied by Zechariah in Zechariah12:1-3, her betrayal will
mean America's doom. All nations who come against the Jewish state, God
says, will be cut to pieces. Israel, on the other hand, will remain no
matter what, the God of heaven declares in the strongest possible
"This is what the Lord says, 'He who appoints the sun to shine by
day, Who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, Who stirs up the
sea so that its waves roar--the Lord Almighty is His Name; Only if these
ordinances vanish from My sight,' declares the Lord, 'will the
descendants of Israel ever cease to be a nation before Me'" (Jeremiah