Corrie Ten Boom: A one woman play by Evelyn Hinds


A review by Terry James



Revisionists of the most heinous sort incessantly attempt to rewrite, or just to deny the history of the Holocaust perpetrated by Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime.


A solitary woman that lived the holocaust, although now deceased, continues to put the revisionists and the deniers to the shame they deserve. She does so through another bold woman, whose own spirit seems to hold symbiotically the essence of the original. I refer, in the first instance, to the famous, late Holocaust survivor, Corrie Ten Boom, and, in the second instance to Corrie's modern incarnation, Evelyn Hinds, through her one-woman dramatic portrayal.


I met Evelyn Hinds at Dallas, Texas while attending a Bible prophecy  research group conference that is held each December. Within a matter of a minute or so after being introduced to her I found myself in the presence of Corrie Ten boom. The sense of the famous woman's presence was almost tangible.


Now, I in no way believe in the  spirits of the decease inhabiting living people. the Word of god plainly says that it is appointed unto men (people) once to die, and after death the Judgment. However, I do believe, unlike Marc Antony who Shakespeare had saying in "Julius Caesar" that the evil men (people) do live after them, the good is oft interred with their bones, that the works God's people do for His Service live on throughout earth's history, and into Eternity.


That's the strong sense I got, talking with Ms Hinds. Her own personality was transformed before my rapt attention into the persona of  the woman held by many as one of  the most influential saints of modern times.

Evelyn Hinds told me basically what she has written in the preface to her script used for portraying Miss Ten Boom.

"In my travels performing my one-woman dramatic presentation, I meet many of Corrie’s fans who have been deeply touched by her books and speaking. However, I find that I introduce her story to many more children and adults who have never heard of her. So for those who missed her story while she was alive and for those born since her death, I include a few words of factual introduction.

Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983) was a Dutch woman who survived the Holocaust and an infamous Nazi death camp, Ravensbruck. She was a Christian who was imprisoned for hiding and protecting Jews in Holland during Hitler’s reign. Corrie earned Israel’s designation as a “Righteous Gentile.” She committed her life after the end of the war to traveling around the world telling her story and preaching the gospel. Corrie would boldly proclaim, “God has no problems with our lives, only plans!”


The life story of Corrie Ten Boom was made into a movie in 1975 by the Billy Graham organization, World Wide Pictures.


Miss Ten Boom wrote more than 20 books after World War II, chronicling her experiences during the Holocaust and beyond. She was received by thousands within audiences to which she spoke in person around America and the world, and left a legacy of her life, through audio, film , and print.


She proved, through her life, that Christ never leaves or forsakes His own. She was, and remains, through continuing God-empowered residual effects, to be a powerful force to influence the World for Christ.


and, this is where Evelyn Hinds and her true to life portrayal of the great Christian woman comes into play --literally. This one woman dramatic presentation is astonishing in its effects on the audiences she faces. I can attest, personally, that the sense of the presence of Corrie Ten boom, and the Lord she served so willingly emerges to grip the listener in a way that is haunting in the very best sense of the word.


For some, I have no doubt that the encounter with Corrie Ten Boom, through Evelyn Hinds, is life-transforming.


I strongly recommend that  this presentation be given before any church or organization that wants to experience the power and presence the God of Heaven can Display through a solitary individual who commits her or his life to Christ.

The Corrie Ten Boom story by Evelyn Hinds is also bound in an excellent book.

Title: The Weaving: A Journey to Corrie ten Boom Live  


*** To order the book, or to schedule Evelyn Hinds' live presentation of the portrayal of Corrie Ten Boom for your church or organization***

call 972-401-8907
