Tom and his wife Katie live in Southern California, and are "converted to Christ from Roman Catholicism." They have no church affiliation. The Stewards are part of the growing trend towards home fellowship. Tom says he doesn't have much free time, but he has managed his time well. His website is loaded with articles that he and Katie have written. You can visit their site at: What Saith The Scripture.

1. How to Trust God
2. A Tale of Ten Virgins
3. Antichrist Shall Come
4. Behold the Bridegroom Cometh
5. Deception is the Sign of the End of the Age
6. God's Coming Judgment on the U.S.
7. Harpazo: The Spiritual Concept of the Rapture
8. Jesus is Eternal Life
9. Looking unto Jesus
10. Martyrdom: They Loved Not Their Lives
11. Must there be a Pretribulation Rapture
12. Rapture and Judgment are at Hand
13. Red Sky in the Morning
14. The Battle of Armageddon
15. The Character of God is Revealed in the Rapture
16. The Judgment seat of Christ
17. Tribulation survival Guide
18. Why Didn't God Rapture Us When We Thought He Would
19. Why do the Heathen Rage
20. Why Tarry the Rapture