Jesus Will Appear Physically At Benny's Meetings
"I believe - hear this, hear this - I believe that
Jesus, God's Son, is about to appear physically
in meetings and to
believers around the world to wake us up. He appeared after His
resurrection and He's about to appear before His second coming.
"You know, a prophetess sent me a word through my wife
right here, and she said 'Tell your
husband that Jesus is going to
physically appear in his meetings.' I'm expecting to see - I'm telling
you, I feel it's going to happen.
"I'm careful in how I'm saying it now, because I know
that people in Kenya are listening. I know deep in my soul something
supernatural is going to happen in Nairobi, Kenya. I feel that. I may very
well come back - and you and Jan are coming. Paul and Jan are coming to
Nairobi with me - But Paul we may very well come back with footage of
Jesus on the platform.
Now hear this - I'm prophesying this: Jesus Christ,
the Son of God, is about to appear physically in some churches and
some meetings and to many of His people, for one reason - to tell you He's
about to show up" (TBN Praise-a-thon, April 2, 2000).
Benny: I got to tell you this quickly, just before we go. I had
a word of prophecy from Ruth Heflin. You know who Ruth Heflin is? Ruth
prophesied over me back in the '70s and everything she said has happened.
She's just sent me a word through my wife and said, the Lord spoke to her
audibly and said that He is going to appear physically in one of our
crusades in the next few months.
Steve Brock: My God!
I'm ready for that!
Benny: Yeah. She - I'm telling you! -
she said, the Lord spoke to her audibly and said "Tell Benny I'm going
to appear physically on the platform in his meeting." (This is Your
Day, March 29, 2000)
Matthew 24:23-27
"At that time if anyone says to you,
`Look, here is the Christ!' or, `There he is!' do not believe it. For
false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and
miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible. See, I have
told you ahead of time. So if anyone tells you, 'There he is, out in the
desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' [or in Benny Hinn's meetings] do not believe it. For as lightning that comes
from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the
Son of Man. "