A Letter From Kevin
I am writing this letter to direct you to the truth of why I and millions like me have disappeared. Instead of trying to explain it in detail, I simply am requesting that you take in as much of this website as possible as quickly as you can, as it will provide you with all of the detail you need. Much of this website has been devoted to those of you that have been left behind. The most important information that you need right now is the truth, and this website has been inspired by Jesus Christ who is ultimately “the way, the truth and the life”.
You may think that I am crazy but here I am on Dec. 31, 2002 telling you that millions will disappear and here you are now as a witness to its reality. I can only imagine what kind of chaos has been created, and more importantly, the theories that are abound explaining what really has happened.
Here is the truth in a nutshell; all of the people who have come up missing were called up to Heaven to be with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We did not will the event to happen nor did we know the hour in which it would happen. Many of us did not believe or even know that we would disappear. However, the one thing we all had in common is that we had repented of our sins and believe that Jesus Christ sacrificially died in our place when he was crucified on the Cross. We asked and He saved us. The Bible foretells that before Jesus returns to judge a world that has rejected Him, He would remove His Church (all true believers in Him) from the world. This event called “The Rapture” is the truth to what has happened.
So what do you do now? Like I indicated previously, take in as much of this website as quickly as you can and pay special attention to the section titled “Information For Those Left Behind”. Print the pages of that section in case the internet crashes. The most important thing you need to stay focused on in the coming days and months is “that it is not too late”, you have one last chance at spending eternity in Heaven. God loves you so much that he lowered himself and became human and died for you so that you could be with Him forever. Under His inspiration, this site will help and guide through the coming “tribulation” period and also tell you how you can still be saved. We all love you and will be praying for you to join us.
In Christ,