By Grant Phillips
Notice that I did
not say happy
holidays. My wife
and I do not buy
Christmas cards that
say, “Happy
Holidays”, and if we
receive any that
state such, they are
discarded in the
proper receptacle …
the trash can.
Christmas is
supposed to be a
celebration about
birth of
Christ. Please
take note …
Christmas. I do not
see either the word
“happy” or “holiday”
in the word
Christmas, but I do
see the word
“Christ”. Why do we
sit back and allow
Satan’s entourage to
throw his garbage in
our face?
have no problem with
Christmas trees and
the exchanging of
presents, as long as
we remember the real
reason for the
season … the
commemoration of the
birth of Jesus
Christ in Bethlehem.
Can you imagine
going to little
Johnny’s or little
Suzie’s birthday
party, and
completely ignoring
the guest of honor?
Think of the hurt it
would cause a child,
or anyone else for
that matter. God the
Father must be hurt
that this world is
ignoring His only
begotten Son Jesus,
and on His birthday
no less. (I realize
that we do not know
the exact date of
Jesus’ birth, but
this is the day we
have always
celebrated it.) The
terrifying part of
the whole thing
though, is that
people are
themselves right
into Hell. God will
have the final word.
Christmas is a
joyous time. The one
and only God of the
universe, the Savior
sent to a
world, has come to
us and become one of
us in body. He came,
not that we might
act like greedy
savages on “black
Friday”, but that we
might find salvation
in His redeeming
work for mankind.
God, who made all we
see around us, who
made us, has come to
give life to those
who will come to
Him. Are we
Christians getting
this message out? Is
He ever mentioned
during this time of
celebration? Is He
mentioned on
Christmas Eve? Is He
mentioned on
Christmas Day? Is He
even thought of
during this time? I
believe that many of
God’s children do
remember, but is it
possible that they
may be in the
minority … among
fellow Christians?
As I write this
article, I wonder if
this could be our
last Christmas on
earth with our
families and
friends. Obviously I
do not know. I must
wait and see just
like everyone else.
But when I lay the
newspaper down next
to my Bible, the
removal of Christ’s
Church from this
earth (the Rapture)
seems to be very
close. Whether we
meet Him via our
death or the
Rapture, if He
mentions the
Christmas season to
us, will we be
embarrassed at to
how we behaved as
His children at the
celebration of His
Son’s birth?
An old song says
“This world is not
my home. I’m just a
passing through. My
treasures are laid
up somewhere beyond
the blue”. Our
behavior at this
time of year should
give us a pretty
good indication
where we think our
treasurers are.
Having had time now
to contemplate this,
where are your
treasures? What are
you teaching your
children, your
grand-children? Do
they know where
their treasurers
are, or do they
think they are under
the tree?
Referring again to
the song in the
previous paragraph,
this world isn’t our
home. Therefore, we
should not allow
ourselves to get too
comfortable in it,
but sometimes we do.
I’m sure you’ve
noticed that the
world, as the Bible
calls those outside
Christ’ Church, is
attacking our Savior
in every corner of
our lives. We the
Church have sat back
on our haunches over
the past fifty years
and allowed a small
minority of Satan’s
followers to kick
sand in our face.
The time is quickly
approaching that
God’s people will
have no voice at all
in this country that
was originally
founded on the
principles of the
Word of God. Not
only that, we will
be persecuted if we
speak out at all.
Many are now. We
foolishly think that
persecution could
never happen in this
country, but look
back over the years.
What do you see? The
airwaves, from the
television, the
movies, the
internet, and music
(if you can call it
that) reek with the
stench of sin.
Homosexuality is
rampant among both
sexes. The prisons
are overflowing. God
has been removed
from the schools,
the courts and the
political scene. We
now see God’s name
and message being
removed from His own
birthday celebration
… Christmas, and if
we interject a
defense for the
things of Christ, we
are labeled
We are reaping what
we have sown. One
hate-filled atheist,
Madeline Murray
O’Hair, got the
“ball rolling” for
Satan by removing
any vestige of Jesus
from the schools.
For many children,
the schools were the
only place they ever
heard about Jesus
Christ. Now they
hear nothing, and it
shows. We have at
least two
generations upon us
that have never
heard about Jesus
Christ, other than
to use his name in
mockery or cursing.
And here we are.
These are the very
ones who are saying
happy holidays,
because they want
nothing to do with
the Christ this
Christmas is all
about. Why is that?
It is because Jesus
and His Word convict
of sin, and the
world around us is
eyebrow deep in sin.
His Word says, “For
the Word of God is
alive and powerful,
sharper than any
two-edged sword,
piercing even to the
dividing asunder of
soul and spirit, and
of the joints and
marrow, and is a
discerner of the
thoughts and intents
of the heart.
Neither is there any
creature that is not
manifest in his
sight, but all
things are naked and
opened unto the eyes
of him with whom we
have to do.”
{Hebrews 4:12-13}
There it is in a
nutshell. If we say
He is not real, and
remove Him from us
(out of sight, out
of mind), then we
don’t stand naked
before Him with all
our sins dripping
from our wretched
beings. But He is
real. He is God.
That will not
change, no matter
how hard some may
personally feel that
this world is
rapidly coming to a
close as we know it.
Jesus will soon
return and remove
His own from this
world that will
undergo His
judgment. He is
bringing all things
to an end, and then
to a new beginning.
If this is our last
Christmas on this
earth, whether by
death or Rapture, I
pray we remember the
real reason for
Christmas. I
reiterate that I
neither know the
time of my death or
the time of the
Rapture. That is
God’s business. This
may be the last
Christmas for you
and me, and then
again, there may be
many more to come. I
do not know. I keep
reminding myself
though that each day
should be lived as
though it is my
last. Each Christmas
should be lived as
though it is our
last. Therefore, we
give Him, Jesus the
Christ, all the
glory for this time
to remember Him.
Christmas is a
wonderful time of
the year. Few things
bring greater
pleasure than to see
the smiles on others
faces as they open
their gifts,
especially the
children. The beauty
of the decorations
is breath-taking.
All of that is to be
enjoyed, but let us
just remember whose
birthday it is we
celebrate. I pray
that we especially
teach our children
what Christmas is
really about.
Hopefully when they
become adults, they
will greet others
with “Merry
Christmas” instead
of happy holidays.
Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year!
Grant Phillips