Tears in Heaven

By Ron Graham


“For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters…  And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away,” Revelation 7:17, 21:4. We see God wiping away all tears from the eyes of those who are in Heaven, we’ve been fed and lead unto living fountains of waters. The Church, at this point in the Book of Revelation, is in Heaven, all witnessing opportunities ceased.


When the Rapture happens, our door of opportunity for preaching and teaching the Gospel of Christ will be closed forever. “Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord,” 1 Thessalonians 4:17. Those of us who are born again will not be here for the terrible time known as the Great Tribulation. Salvation for those who heard the Gospel but put off until later their decision for Christ are left to figure things out on their own. “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”

2 Thessalonians 2:11. Yes there will be some saved through the Great Tribulation but there will be such a delusion over all the earth that most won’t see the truth.


What will be the delusion spoken of in that time? “[Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish…” 2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10.  Signs and lying wonders performed by the antichrist. So provocative and persuasive will he be that most won’t question his authenticity. He will take up residence in the most Holy of Holies. He will proclaim himself to be God and he will demand that everyone worship him.


Nobody knows what Heaven will be like for those of us who are waiting to be escorted to our new residences. The Bible is silent on what we will remember and what we won’t. The Apostle Paul shines some light on this subject, “now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known,” 1 Corinthians 13:12. I can’t help but believe that we, His saints, will be given a glimpse of those family members which aren’t with us in Heaven. Why else will there be tears in Heaven?



By Nathele Graham


I knew that, like me, you were a sinner in need of Grace. Why didn’t I tell you?

I knew that sin, no matter how small, cannot enter Heaven. Why didn’t I tell you?

I knew that you were searching, in need of peace. Why didn’t I tell you?

I knew that eternity is forever. Why didn’t I tell you?

I knew that we can choose where we spend eternity. Why didn’t I tell you?

I knew that all roads do not lead to Heaven. Why didn’t I tell you?

I knew that if there was any other way of Salvation, Jesus wouldn’t have had to die on the cross. Why didn’t I tell you?

I knew that Jesus chose to die on the cross for me….and you. Why didn’t I tell you?

I knew that you had to accept that free gift which God gave us in order to be saved. Why didn’t I tell you?


But now here I am in the presence of God Almighty but I don’t know where you are. I was going to tell you tomorrow, but there are no more tomorrows for me or for you. You’re not here, didn’t anyone tell you? Oh, dear God, forgive me. Why didn’t I tell you?


Yes, there will be tears in Heaven. 


My wife wrote that little poem just before her father died. We had both witnessed to him on different occasions, as did others in our family. My wife was assured by an aunt, who was with him until the end, that her dad did acknowledge Jesus as savior. Can we all say that? For those family members who have yet to step into eternity and aren’t saved we should be on them like bees on honey. Witness to your spiritually dead family members before it’s too late, before they take that last step into eternity. From that point there will be no more opportunities to accept God’s free gift of salvation. Just as was the case when God closed the door on the ark after Noah and his family entered it, as the flood waters began to rise, all those standing outside knew it was too late to repent. The prospect that God will show us just which family members didn’t make it to Heaven should motivate us to witness to them now.


I think about it all the time, stepping into Heaven’s eternity only to realize many of my friends and family went the other way. How hard would it have been to pick up the phone and dial the number and arrange to have lunch with someone we know isn’t saved? I wonder just how long God will let us cry before He wipes away the tears. Will we have total recall? We don’t really know. The only thing we can do is speculate on this subject, because no one really knows at what point of eternity our tears will be wiped away. The agony and despair as we watch those who were a part of our family now descending into Hell, the tears of sorrow flowing as we gaze upon the ones we should have witnessed to, but didn’t.


People are dying hourly and at a phenomenal rate. As I write this commentary, a 7.9 earthquake has hit China with horrendous results. News sources are claiming there are currently 18,000 people buried under one city alone, these figures are expected to rise. Tornado season in the US is upon us and there have already been 95 lives lost since the beginning of this tornado season. Experts are saying this is going to be one of the worst tornado seasons on record.


“The rate in which a light flashes on top of an emergency vehicle is

the average rate that people are dying and going to hell.


If you were to ask, "How many people die on an average day," you would get a wide variety of answers. Typical answers would range around 300 to 5,000 people. Surprisingly, over 150,000 people die every day. On average, 1.8 people die every second.


What is the spiritual destiny of these people? Obviously, no one really knows for certain how many people are going to Heaven and Hell. We can, however, come up with a ballpark estimate. There are many comprehensive studies that break the world's population down by religion. If you compare these belief systems with the Bible, you'll have a basic idea as to how many people believe in the Biblical plan of salvation.


Based on these studies, it has been estimated that only 7% of the world's population is going to Heaven (1.68 per second). Even if this research is wrong and 75% of the world is going to Heaven; we still have 38,000 people going to Hell every day.


I realize that some of you are thinking that it is morbid and inappropriate to talk about this. You're thinking that talking about this topic in public shows a lack of sensitivity. Yes, in a sense I guess it does appear morbid. It is, however, necessary. It serves a very important purpose.


The Cancer Society tells us that over 160,000 Americans will die this year from lung cancer and 40,000 will die from breast cancer. We are also told that almost 3 million people worldwide will die from AIDS this year.


Are these pronouncements morbid or inappropriate? No, of course not. They serve a valid purpose. They inform us of a serious problem that needs to be addressed. It tells us that millions of people are dying needlessly. These pronouncements are intended to bring a serious problem to our attention. They are intended to challenge us to action.


Likewise, this letter tells us about a serious problem; a problem that many of us would like to forget. People are needlessly dying and going to Hell. Although curing people of diseases is important, isn't being concerned about a person's eternal destiny even more important? Yes, this counter may make us feel uncomfortable, but hopefully it will challenge us into action."




Some of the people in these statistics may be our family members, frightening to say the least. We have every opportunity to witness even if we never leave our home. We have the phone, the internet, bongo drums, smoke signals or whatever device available to our hands, legs, eyes, tongue. Witness, witness, witness, and never stop.


The hymn “Onward Christian Soldier” says it so perfectly. As born again believers we are Soldiers for Christ, remembering that our royal Master leads against the foe. Like a mighty army we are the Church of God. Gates of Hell can never against that Church prevail. Christ’s army is more powerful than any army of the world. Why? “Because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world,” 1 John 4:4.


Tears in Heaven, wiped away by God, and as He’s cleaning our eyes of tears is He asking the question, “Why didn’t you tell them about me? I died on a cross for you and them couldn’t you have at least defended me against all those doubters? What about your best friend, at the very least, surely you could have told him about Me?


God forgive us for our apathy. Forgive us for our fears. Forgive us for our silence; forgive us for all the wasted years.


God bless you all,


Ron Graham



Email:  twotug@embarqmail.com