I’ve recently received several emails in which people have expressed a
belief that the fulfilled prophecies of the Bible are not exclusive – that
other books have exhibited the same power to prophesy the future. This idea
is advanced in such a way as to undercut the divine authority of the bible
by categorizing its impeccable track record of fulfilled prophecy as
something less than the astounding miracle it is.
Since humans can’t even predict the weekend weather with great accuracy, the
issuance of detailed prophecies years in advance of their ultimate
fulfillment is, and should be, viewed by most people as a sign of
supernatural origin.
Almost every religious system devised by man has its own set of prophets who
claim divine knowledge of God’s will. Despite the fact that few of these
religious systems provide evidence of their supernatural origin by
foretelling specific future events, the world experiences no shortage of
religious adherents willing to claim they do.
Muslims claim the Koran is prophetic. Mormons claim the Book of Mormon is
prophetic. Hindus claim the Vedic texts are prophetic, and a cult following
of people from various religious backgrounds claim that the writings of
Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce are prophetic. In addition, countless other
supposedly prophetic works exist, a list so long that space limitations
don’t allow me to mention them all here.
In addition to their prophetic claims, each of the aforementioned texts
claims its fulfilled prophecies are sufficient evidence of divine and/or
supernatural authorship.
So when someone like me claims that the Bible is the only book which
accurately prophesies the future, and is therefore the Word of God, it
doesn’t make much of an impression. After all, numerous books are prophetic
– right?
Just because someone makes a claim, it doesn’t make that claim true.
Evidence must first be presented to test the claim, especially a bold claim
such as the ability to foretell future events. Yet, for some reason, many
people are more than willing to let the false assertions of others go
unchallenged. The reasons are varied – political correctness, fear, and/or a
reluctance to hurt someone’s feelings – but none of these reasons is
sufficient grounds for allowing the truth to be corrupted.
When the false notion of multiple prophetic and divine texts is allowed to
fester, it leads many people to accept the words of false prophets and
idolatrous religious systems. This separates people from God, rather than
drawing them closer to Him. And God doesn’t want people to be confused. He
wants them to come into a full and abundant knowledge of His truth.
So in this article, we’ll examine some of the evidence backing these claims
of divine authorship. Doing so will reveal the authentic Word of God and
expose the counterfeits for the imposters they are.
God’s Challenge
If you’re searching for truth in a world of darkness, how do you keep from
being deceived? Many books, people, prophets, and religious organizations
claim to speak on behalf of God, yet many of them contradict one another –
so they can’t all be true. How, therefore, does one uncover the truth?
God Almighty, in His infinite wisdom, knew the people of this world would be
faced with such a conundrum. In order to keep His Word from being crowded
out by the false teachings of Satan, God branded it with a unique watermark,
one impervious to counterfeiters. So what is this watermark which identifies
the true Word of God?
It’s fulfilled prophecy.
Since God is not confined by time, He already knows the future. Not because
the future is pre-ordained, but because He’s in the future. God Almighty is
in the past, present, and future simultaneously. He is the Alpha and the
Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last… As such, He can
recount with absolute certainty the future of the human race. And, as logic
would dictate, anyone who claims to be God should have no problem
foretelling the future with one-hundred percent accuracy.
But don’t take my word for it. God Himself made the same declaration to the
prophets of Israel:
“But you may wonder, ‘How will we know whether or not a prophecy is from the
Lord?’ If the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but his prediction does not
happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message.
That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared.”
Deuteronomy 18:21-22 (NLT)
The 66 books of the Bible were written by numerous prophets, each performing
God’s work under direction of the Holy Spirit. In the more than 2,000 years
since God revealed that a prophet must have a perfect track record in order
to establish his credentials as a messenger of God, no one has uncovered a
single false prophecy written by any these men. On the contrary, hundreds
upon hundreds of specific and detailed prophecies – in some cases written
hundreds of years in advance – have been fulfilled to the letter.
These fulfilled prophecies are God’s certificate of authentication, His
personal signet proving His direct authorship of the Old and New Testaments.
As the Lord states, He will not give His glory to anyone else. And only the
Lord can tell the beginning from the end:
“I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to anyone else,
nor share my praise with carved idols. Everything I prophesied has come
true, and now I will prophesy again. I will tell you the future before it
happens.” Isaiah 42:8-9 (NLT)
For those who present alternative scriptures, who claim to have received
divine revelation or a message from above, God issues the following
“‘Present the case for your idols,’ says the Lord. ‘Let them show what they
can do,’ says the King of Israel. ‘Let them try to tell us what happened
long ago so that we may consider the evidence. Or let them tell us what the
future holds, so we can know what’s going to happen. Yes, tell us what will
occur in the days ahead. Then we will know you are gods.’” Isaiah 41:21-23
According to this verse, God has laid down a bold challenge. “Tell us what
will occur in the days ahead,” He says, and “then we will know you are
In other words, if a person or a book can foretell the future, then that
person or book has established his/her/its divine credentials. Absent this
ability, any person or book which claims divine authority is nothing but an
imposter – and that person or book is not to be feared.
As evidence of His own divinity, only one person in human history has ever
successfully taken on God’s challenge. His name was Jesus of Nazareth:
“I tell you this beforehand, so that when it happens you will believe that I
am the Messiah.” John 13:19 (NLT)
The Son of God reiterated the Old Testament tenet that if one can tell the
future beforehand, then it establishes his divine credentials. This unique
ability to foretell future events is the fail proof identifier of the
Bible’s divine authenticity as well as the divinity of Jesus Christ:
“This is what the Lord says – Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord of
Heaven’s Armies: ‘I am the First and the Last; there is no other God. Who is
like me? Let him step forward and prove to you his power. Let him do as I
have done since ancient times when I established a people and explained its
future.’” Isaiah 44:6-7 (NLT)
God has thrown down the gauntlet. He’s issued His challenge. Who is like
Him? Let that person or text step forward and prove it. Let them prove it by
foretelling the future in advance.
What Books Meet God’s Challenge?
An objective search for the truth will carefully examine each text or series
of writings which claim to foretell the future, taking into account a number
of variables. For instance, could a prophecy be easily fulfilled by a
supporter who set out to fulfill it? Does evidence exist that a prophecy was
made in advance of its fulfillment? Is the prophecy in question vague and
indecipherable? Is it so general that it’s easily fulfilled? What are the
odds of its fulfillment?
A healthy dose of skepticism will go a long way in helping a person to
discern truth from fiction. Many of the earliest Christians didn’t simply
accept the words of mere humans, but they searched through the scriptures
diligently to find out the truth for themselves:
“And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica,
and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures
day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. As a result,
many Jews believed, as did many of the prominent Greek women and men.” Acts
17:11-12 (NLT)
For instance, I unequivocally state that the Bible is the inspired Word of
God Almighty, and the hundreds of fulfilled prophecies within it is one
reason I believe as I do. No other book can claim such astounding and
accurate insight into future events.
But instead of taking my word for it, let’s examine some prophecies from the
Koran, Nostradamus, and the Bible. And when we’re finished, you can draw
your own conclusion as to which, if any, of these sources meets God’s
The Koran
The Koran, dictated to Muhammad in a cave sometime in the late 7th Century,
is heralded by over one billion Muslims as the divine word of god. The text
is divided into 114 Suras (chapters), covering any number of subjects
including, some claim, prophecies of future events. Yet, when presented with
God’s challenge to foretell the future, the Koran falls short.
Proponents of the Koran’s ability to prophesy point to more than sixty
passages which they claim are prophetic in nature, but most of these
passages are vague, ambiguous, and sometimes not even prophecies at all.
Given the space limitations of this article, only three of these supposed
prophecies are featured here.
The first is said to be a prediction of genetic engineering:
“And most certainly I will lead them astray and excite in them vain desires,
and bid them so that they shall slit the ears of the cattle, and most
certainly I will bid them so that they shall alter Allah's creation; and
whoever takes the Shaitan for a guardian rather than Allah he indeed shall
suffer a manifest loss.” Sura 4:119
It’s quite a stretch to say that slitting “the ears of cattle” and altering
“Allah’s creation” are clear predictions of the human race engaging in
genetic engineering. Like many purported prophecies, this verse is vague in
its prediction (assuming it’s an attempted prediction at all).
Some adherents also claim the Koran foretold modern modes of transportation:
“And (He made) horses and mules and asses that you might ride upon them and
as an ornament; and He creates what you do not know.” Sura 16:8
Again, the statement that “He creates what you do not know” isn’t exactly a
detailed and specific prophecy of future events, much less a fulfilled
prophecy of modern transportation. Yet, supporters of the Koran are more
than willing to overlook this ambiguity in order to support their
preconceived notions of the Koran’s divine origin.
In yet another example of creative interpretation, supporters claim the
Koran foretold the pollution of the industrial age:
“Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea on account of what the
hands of men have wrought, that He may make them taste a part of that which
they have done, so that they may return.” Sura 30:41
Of course, corruption is a rather ambiguous term. Does it infer physical
corruption? Spiritual corruption? This supposed prophecy is so vague, it can
have a hundred different meanings to a hundred different people.
The above verses are indicative of the types of prophecies found in the
Koran – imprecise and broad-based in nature. Nowhere in the Koran can one
find a prophecy that names a specific year, time, season, or place in which
an event will occur. Yet countless people continue to harp about its
supposed predictive powers. Take the time to read the Koran, and you can
find out for yourself.
If the Koran is the most famous work people point to when arguing that
another book approaches the prophetic significance of the Bible, then the
writings of a 16th Century French doctor are a close second. Published in a
book titled ‘The Prophecies,’ the predictions of Nostradamus are written in
quatrains organized in several chapters known as ‘Centuries.’ Modern
apologists make bold claims concerning the prophetic significance of these
writings. Yet to believe in the prophetic power of Nostradamus requires an
overt willingness to engage in recklessly broad and creative interpretations
of his writing. It’s a stretch to proclaim even one fulfilled prophecy can
be located in his work, much less an entire series of fulfilled prophecies.
Yet, inexplicably, there’s no shortage of people willing to attribute
prophetic power and supernatural significance to these writings.
To illustrate the absurdity of the Nostradamus prophecies, all one has to do
is read one. Let’s examine his most famous, a quatrain heralded by
proponents as proof positive of the seer’s keen insight into the future:
“Beasts wild with hunger will cross the rivers,
The greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister.
He will drag the leader in a cage of iron,
When the child of Germany observes no law.”
(Translation of Century II, Quatrain 24)
Of course, the key word in this quatrain is “Hister,” which proponents
immediately translate as “Hitler.” However, some translations state the word
as “Ister,” which is the Latin name for the Danube River in Germany. Even
advocates of Nostradamus admit the original translation never directly names
“Hitler.” It’s only through creative manipulation of the translation that
people arrive at the name of Hitler. Of course, with enough creativity, any
number of meanings can be attributed to these verses.
In addition, Nostradamus supposedly predicted the rise of Napoleon:
“An Emperor will be born near Italy,
Who will cost the Empire very dearly.
They will say, when they see his allies,
That he is less a prince than a butcher.”
(Translation of Century I, Quatrain 60)
Clearly, this quatrain predicts the rise of Napoleon. Right? Yes, it does –
as well as the rise of any historical person fitting this description, of
which there are many. For example, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini was
born in Italy, cost the empire dearly, and was more of a butcher than a
If any doubts lingered as to the authority of Nostradamus as some sort of
divine prophet, they should have been put to rest in July 1999. For in one
of the rare quatrains where Nostradamus actually predicts a date, he fails
miserably. Apparently, some sort of great king of terror should have
appeared from the sky in July 1999:
“In the year 1999 and seven months
>From the sky will come the great King of Terror.
He will bring back to life the great king of the Mongols.
Before and after, war reigns happily.”
(Translation of Century X, Quatrain 72)
Again, let me reiterate God’s position:
“But you may wonder, ‘How will we know whether or not a prophecy is from the
Lord?’ If the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but his prediction does not
happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message.
That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared.”
Deuteronomy 18:21-22 (NLT)
July 1999 came and went, and no king of terror appeared from the sky. Yet,
apologists for Nostradamus continue to push the idea that his obscure
collection of ambiguous ramblings qualifies as serious prophecy. It’s
nothing less than mind-boggling.
When a newspaper horoscope states “You will see someone you know today,” and
then you see someone you know, this may in a technical sense qualify as a
fulfilled prophecy. But would you ascribe supernatural inspiration to such
an event? Of course you wouldn’t. No rational person would. But that’s
exactly what has happened with the Nostradamus “prophecies.”
Those vague and ambiguous quatrains which can be linked in some way to a
modern event are heralded throughout the media as fulfilled prophecies,
while the same pundits get a case of selective memory when it comes to the
hundreds of additional quatrains which can’t be linked to anything at all.
If you have any doubts concerning the legitimacy of the prophecies of
Nostradamus, then I encourage you to find a translation of his work and read
them. Don’t blindly accept the conclusions of others. Find out for yourself.
Reading these quatrains firsthand, you’ll quickly conclude that the highly
vaunted Nostradamus is nothing more than a man from a bygone era who
recorded a mountain of gibberish.
The Bible
Although billions of people quote, read, and study the Bible every year,
most of the world is ignorant of the staggering number of specific and
detailed prophecies found in its pages. More than 25% of the Bible is
prophecy. And each prophecy except those concerning the “last days” and the
millennial kingdom that follows have been fulfilled with 100% accuracy. Some
of these prophecies, such as Jeremiah’s claim that Israel would be taken
into captivity for a period of 70 years by the Babylonians, were written
decades before fulfillment. Others, such as Ezekiel’s forecast of the exact
year in which Israel would be re-established as a nation, were written 2,500
years before fulfillment.
But regardless of the time frame in which they occur, the prophecies of the
Bible are very specific in nature. Nevertheless, most people are simply
unaware of them. Despite the fact that millions of people supposedly read
the Bible, countless books have been written on the subject of bible
prophecy, and some of these prophecies have been fulfilled in our time, the
media trumpets Nostradamus while distancing itself from the prophecies of
the Bible.
Below are a few instances of specific and detailed bible prophecies
fulfilled in history:
The Messiah will be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver.
The Old Testament Prophecy:
“And I said to them, ‘If you like, give me my wages, whatever I am worth;
but only if you want to.’ So they counted out for my wages thirty pieces of
silver.” Zechariah 11:12 (NLT)
The New Testament Fulfillment:
“Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, went to the leading
priests and asked, ‘How much will you pay me to betray Jesus to you?’ And
they gave him thirty pieces of silver.” Matthew 26:14-15 (NLT)
The 30 pieces of silver will be thrown in the potter’s field.
The Old Testament Prophecy:
“And the Lord said to me, ‘Throw it to the potters’ – this magnificent sum
at which they valued me! So I took the thirty coins and threw them to the
potters in the Temple of the Lord.” Zechariah 11:13 (NLT)
The New Testament Fulfillment:
“When Judas, who had betrayed him, realized that Jesus had been condemned to
die, he was filled with remorse. So he took the thirty pieces of silver back
to the leading priests and other leaders. ‘I have sinned,’ he declared, ‘for
I have betrayed an innocent man.’ ‘What do we care?’ they retorted. ‘That’s
your problem.’ Then Judas threw the money onto the floor of the Temple and
went out and hanged himself. The leading priests picked up the money. ‘We
can’t put it in the Temple treasury,’ they said, ‘since it’s against the law
to accept money paid for murder.’ After some discussion they finally decided
to buy the potter’s field, and they made it into a cemetery for foreigners.
That is why the field is still called the Field of Blood.” Matthew 27:3-8
The Messiah’s enemies will divide his clothes among themselves and cast dice
for his garments.
The Old Testament Prophecy:
“My enemies stare at me and gloat. They divide my clothes among themselves
and throw dice for my garments.” Psalm 22:17-18 (NLT)
The New Testament Fulfillment:
“When the soldiers had crucified Jesus, they divided his clothes among the
four of them. They also took his robe, but it was seamless, woven in one
piece from the top. So they said, ‘Let’s not tear it but throw dice to see
who gets it.’” John 19:23-24 (NLT)
That’s all well and good you may say, but you’re using the bible to verify
the Bible!
Notwithstanding the widespread scholarly acceptance of the New Testament as
an accurate and reliable historical record, the Bible has foretold events
from our own time. Don’t believe it?
How about the re-gathering of the Jews in Israel? Despite nearly 2,000 years
of dispersion and unspeakable persecution, the Jews remained a distinct race
of people and returned to their land to reestablish Israel in 1948:
“‘Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I will gather you and your children
from east and west and from north and south. I will bring my sons and
daughters back to Israel from the distant corners of the earth. All who
claim me as their God will come, for I have made them for my glory. It was I
who created them.” Isaiah 43:5-7 (NLT)
“‘But the time is coming,’ says the Lord, ‘when people who are taking an
oath will no longer say, ‘As surely as the Lord lives, who rescued the
people of Israel from the land of Egypt.’ Instead, they will say, ‘As surely
as the Lord lives, who brought the people of Israel back to their own land
from the land of the north and from all the countries to which he had exiled
them.’ For I will bring them back to this land that I gave their ancestors.”
Jeremiah 16:14-15 (NLT)
“Therefore, give the exiles this message from the Sovereign Lord: Although I
have scattered you in the countries of the world, I will be a sanctuary to
you during your time in exile. I, the Sovereign Lord, will gather you back
from the nations where you were scattered, and I will give you the land of
Israel once again.” Ezekiel 11:16-17 (NLT)
The promise to restore Israel as a nation isn’t made just once in the Bible,
but numerous times.
Still not convinced?
How about the exact day in which Israel would be reestablished as a nation?
How about the exact year in which the Messiah would arrive at the Temple and
“appear to be killed.”?
The Bible harbors hundreds upon hundreds of specific and detailed prophecies
just like these. They serve to authenticate the divine authority of the
Bible and to serve as a warning and hope of things to come.
The Bible contains clear and detailed prophecies, many fulfilled in history
and others to be fulfilled in the days to come. The fulfilled prophecies
provide the world with clear evidence of the Bible’s heavenly inspiration.
No other books of purported supernatural origin come anywhere close to
answering God’s challenge – not the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedic
texts of Hinduism, the Book of Mormon, the writings of Nostradamus, the
writings of Edgar Cayce, or any other work of human hands.
The answer is clear to the objective observer. The bible is the only text
which meets God’s challenge of foretelling specific future events with 100%
accuracy. According to God, when this happens, it is a sign that those words
of prophecy have come from Him:
“Above all, you must realize that no prophecy in Scripture ever came from
the prophet’s own understanding, or from human initiative. No, those
prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke from God.” 2 Peter
1:20-21 (NLT)
Britt Gillette is founder of BrittGillette.Com, a website examining the
relationship between bible prophecy and emerging trends in technology. For
more information or to sign up for his email alerts, please visit
Britt Gillette is founder of BrittGillette.Com, a website examining the
relationship between bible prophecy and emerging trends in technology. For
more information or to sign up for his email alerts, please visit