Ezek. 16:1-43
As a young man, Ezekiel was
captured by Babylon and deported to Egypt.
He spent about five years in
captivity and then he started prophesying.
He told the Jews they would have
to change their ways.
Or God wouldn’t let them
return to Jerusalem.
There were false prophets in
the land;
False prophets who said they
didn’t have to change their ways.
And the Jews chose to believe
these false prophets instead of Ezekiel.
So Ezekiel started using
illustrations to get his message across;
Mental pictures to help the
Jews understand just how bad they were.
In today's text, Ezekiel
compared Jerusalem to a female;
A female born of poor parents
who abandoned her when she was just a one
day old baby.
God found her, raised her,
loved her, married her.
But she turned her back on
And committed adultery.
1st---Let's look
at what God said about Jerusalem's parents.
“Thus saith the Lord God unto
“Thy birth and thy nativity
is of the land of Canaan:”
“Thy father was an Amorite
and thy mother a Hittite” (Verse 3).
When the Jews first went to
Jerusalem the city was occupied by the Amorites
and Hittites.
God said drive them out.
But the Jews didn’t do it.
The Jews moved in with them;
Adopted their ways;
Worshipped their gods;
Took on their character.
We do that.
We’re told not to conform to
this world;
Not to marry unbelievers.
But we take on their
One time, some Jews told Jesus
“Abraham is our father.”
He said, “Ye are of your
father the devil” (Jn. 8:33-44).
He was saying, “If God was
your father, you would take on the character of
“But you haven’t taken on the
character of God, so God is not your father.”
The Jews in Ezekiel's day
took on the character of the Amorites and Hittites.
And God was saying your
parents are foreigners;
People of low character.
They’re not my children.
And you’re not my children.
It's bad to insult someone's
But let’s get this teaching
of Jesus straight.
We’re the children of the one
we obey.
If we’re trying to obey God,
He is our Father.
But if we’re not trying to
obey God, the devil is our father.
2nd---Let's look
at what God said happened to Jerusalem on the day she was
“And as for thy nativity, in
the day thou wast born thy naval was not cut,"
“Neither wast thou washed in
the water to supple thee;”
“Thou wast not salted at all,
nor swaddled at all.”
“None eye pitied thee,”
“To do any of these to thee,”
“To have compassion upon
“But thou wast cast out in
the open field, to the loathing of thy person, in the
day that thou wast born"
(Verses 4-5).
A few years ago (1988), a
woman gave birth to a baby in the bathroom of an airplane.
She put the baby under the
sink in the bathroom.
And left it on the day that
it was born.
Soon after that (Nov. 7,
1988), another woman gave birth to a baby in the
dormitory of the college she
She put the baby in a trash
And left it on the day that
it was born.
In 1998, a woman threw her
baby out the window of her car on the Interstate.
It’s sad.
But these are true stories
about women who abandoned their babies.
God was telling Jerusalem the
Amorites and the Hittites did that to you.
They threw you out in the
They abandoned you on the day
that you was born.
3rd---Let's look
at what God did when He saw this abandoned baby called
“When I passed by thee and
saw thee polluted in thine own blood,”
“I said unto thee when thou wast
in thy blood;”
“Live yea, I said unto thee
when thou wast in thy blood, Live” (Verse 6).
When that little baby was put
under the sink on that airplane, someone found it
and said, “Live.”
When that little baby was tossed
out the window of that car on the Interstate
someone found it and said,
When the Amorites and the
Hittites abandoned Jerusalem God found her and
said, “Live.”
No one could make God find
No one could make God have
pity on Jerusalem.
It wasn’t Jerusalem’s
goodness, power, or wealth that caused God to have
pity on her.
God had pity on Jerusalem
because He didn’t want her to perish.
She was like a newborn baby
that hadn’t been cleaned up.
She was conceived in sin,
dirty and polluted;
But God had compassion on
He picked her up and said,
We reach the age of
We break the laws of God.
There’s no reason why God
should love us.
But He loves us.
He has compassion.
He says, “Live.”
“Be born again.”
“Receive Christ.”
“Herein is love; not that we
loved God, but that He loved us.”
“God commendeth His love
toward us, in that while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for us” (Jn.
God comes to us and says,
4th---Let’s look
at Jerusalem while she was growing up.
God said, “I have caused thee
to multiply as the bud of the field,”
“And thou hast increased and
waxen great and thou art come to excellent
“Thy breasts are fashioned
and thine hair is grown whereas thou were naked,
and bare” (Verse 7).
God took care of Jerusalem.
She grew into a beautiful
young lady.
He gave her priests and
Laws and leaders;
Character and reputation;
She was becoming a respected
What would we be, if we had
grown up without the care of God?
Without Christian relatives,
friends and neighbors?
Without pastors and Sunday
School teachers?
Without people to teach us
People who not only taught us
People who demonstrated
character before us.
I’m talking about people of
God's provision for us.
America was born of
Not Amorites and Hittites.
Our ancestors came from
England, France, Germany, Holland, Scotland,
Spain and other places.
God took care of America.
He gave us children and the
freedom to educate them;
The freedom to work and own
A Bible-based constitution
and Bill of Rights;
A strong Church and great
Church leaders;
A strong economy and great
God gave us people of
People who believed that good
words should be followed up with good
People who said, “Obey your
“Love your neighbor;”
“Practice what you preach;”
“Work hard;”
“Pay your taxes;”
“Defend your country;”
These blessings were God's
gifts as He brought America from infancy to
5th---Let's look
at God's relationship with Jerusalem after she became a grown
young woman.
The Living Bible reads,
“Later when I passed by and saw you again,”
“You were old enough for
“And I wrapped my cloak
around you to legally declare my marriage vow.”
“I signed a covenant with you
and you became mine.”
“Then, when the marriage had
taken place, I gave you clothes of linens and
silk, embroidered, and sandals
made of dolphin hide.”
“I gave you lovely ornaments,
bracelets and beautiful necklaces.”
“A ring for your nose, two
more for your ears, and a lovely tiara for your
“And so you were made
beautiful with gold and silver, and your clothes were
silk and linen and
beautifully embroidered.”
“You ate the finest foods and
became more beautiful than ever.”
“You looked like a queen and
so you were” (Verses 8-13).
God looked at the young woman
He raised.
She was grown.
She was beautiful.
He offered to marry her.
“God offered.”
God didn't have to enter into
a covenant with anyone.
But He offered to bind
Himself to Jerusalem.
Jerusalem accepted God's
They were married.
And notice what God did right
“Then washed I thee with
God cleansed Jerusalem.
He forgave her sins.
When we enter into a
relationship with God, the blood of Jesus Christ (God's
Son) cleanses us from all
unrighteousness (I Jn. 1:7).
Next, God clothed Jerusalem.
He gave Jerusalem His
And when we accept Jesus, God
clothes us.
He imputes the righteousness
of Christ to us.
Then, God adorned Jerusalem
with jewelry;
With faith, love, kindness,
meekness and character.
I know a young lady who used
to say, “I'm pretty.”
God said, women should “adorn
themselves in modest apparel, with
shamefacedness and sobriety;”
“Not with broided hair, or
gold, or pearls, or costly array;”
“But with good works (I Tim.
Young lady, if you want to be
beautiful in God’s eyes, adorn yourself with
the fruit of the Holy Spirit;
Adorn yourself with the
character of Christ.
6th--- Let's look
at the way God's cleansing, forgiveness, laws, and character
affected Jerusalem.
God said, “Thy renown went
forth among the heathen for thy beauty; for it
was perfect through my
comeliness” (Verse 14).
The Living Bible reads, “Your
reputation was great among the nations for
your beauty;”
“It was perfect because of
all the gifts I gave you, says the Lord God.”
The nations of the world
noticed Jerusalem.
They noticed her homes, her
public buildings;
Her character, faith,
prosperity and power.
And it all came from God.
If the Church more truly
reflected the character of Jesus, the world would
notice us.
And we could win the world
for Christ.
7th---Let's look
at what Jerusalem did when the world noticed her.
“But thou didst trust in thine
own beauty, and played the harlot because
of thy renown; and poured out
thy fornications on everyone that passed by;
his it was” (Verse 15).
We call it pride, the big
head, self-sufficiency.
Jerusalem’s beauty went to
her head.
She became a flirt;
Ran with the wrong crowd;
Committed adultery;
And became a harlot.
Her beauty came from God.
It was the result of His
But she gave the glory to
Courted the flattery of other
Liked what they liked;
Did what they did;
Honored their gods;
Took on their character.
God said, “You used the
lovely things I gave you for making idols.”
“You took the gold and silver
I gave you and made statues of men and
worshipped them” (Verse 17).
You took the Scriptures that
I gave you and twisted them.
You took the wealth that I gave
you and made an idol out of it.
My friend, what we have is
not our doing;
It’s God’s doing.
Except for the grace of God
not a one of us would be alive today;
Not a one of us would have
any education or a job.
Every good thing we have
comes from God.
The Scriptures, the Church;
Our money, our property;
Our gifts, our talent comes
from God.
We should use these things to
honor Him.
If we depart from the
teachings of the Bible;
Fail to use what we have for
Or fail to give Him the glory,
we are committing adultery.
If our government abandons
our God-given heritage,
If our government takes our
God-given prosperity and spends it on abortion,
the gay agenda, world
government, Allah or any other religion, our
government is committing
8th--- Let's look
at God's response to Jerusalem's adultery.
“This is what I am going to
1) I will gather together all
your allies,
And I will make you naked
before them, that they may see you.
2) I will give you to your
lovers -- these many nations to destroy and they will
knock down your brothels
and idol altars and strip you and take your
beautiful jewels.
3) I will burn your homes.
4) I will fully repay you for
all your sins (from Living Bible, Verses 37-42).
This sounds harsh.
But suppose you found a one
day old baby in the trash.
You cleaned her up;
Saved her life;
Gave her jewelry of gold and
Dressed her in expensive
Raised her;
And she turned her back on
And became a harlot?
How would you feel?
That’s what God said
Jerusalem did to Him.
So He let her allies abandon
Let her enemies attack her;
Let them take her wealth;
And let them destroy her.
In closing, some people say
character doesn’t matter.
If character doesn’t matter,
why did Jesus have to die?
Why do we need to be born
Why do we need to keep the
Ten Commandments?
If character doesn’t matter,
why do we need to attend Church?
Why do we need to follow the
example of Christ?
If character doesn’t matter,
why did God destroy Jerusalem?
U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Clarence Thomas was asked if character matters.
He said, “The answer is an
emphatic Yes!"
“Character is all that
matters---our character.”
If you want your name written
in the Lamb’s Book of Life, you will have to
have character: the character
of Christ.
But you can’t inherit the
character of Christ.
You have to seek it.
And you seek it by accepting
Him as your Savior.
Will you do that?