I am facing a divorce. What can I do?
This dissolution of a marriage is such a sad thing. Christ longs to bring fulfillment to a couple through their marital covenant. A Christian marriage is a beautiful thing built on love, trust, respect and, most importantly, Christ. Read what the Bible say to husbands and wives in 1 Peter 3:1-7, Ephesians 5:21-33, and 1 Corinthians, chapter 7.
Remember, all things are possible through Jesus Christ--even the restoration of your marriage. Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead; surely He can resurrect your hurting relationship! Please, seek godly counsel today. Don’t let another day pass while the chasm between you and your spouse grows wider and wider.
Before you embark on that mission, though, spend some quiet time in prayer and reflection, yourself. Be sure that your heart is right before God. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you where your impurities are in regard to your marriage before you point out your spouse’s. Ask the Lord to show you what His plan is for your relationship. Finally, ask the Lord to give you what you need to make it work: commitment to the covenant; love for your spouse; understanding and forgiveness like you have been given by God; and
God’s eyes as you look at your spouse.